All Subsidies
commitment toward conservation and management of water.
2. Improve the water-use efficiency.
1. To promote organic farming
2. Use of traditional resources.
1. To provide the farmers a stable source of income.
2. Farmers need not worry about income during natural calamities.
1. Create modern storage facilities in rural areas.
2. Farmers are encouraged to maximize their output.
1. The Welfare of small and marginal farmers
2. Provide monthly income to farmers above 60 years of age
1. The scheme is intended to make the small and marginal farmers strong.
2. The small and marginal farmer is in a position to sustain his activities.
3. To make the farmer attentive and active.
1. Farmers can take up new and upcoming irrigation projects.
2. To make the farmer self-reliant for his irrigation needs.
3. Farmers are no longer dependent on rain only.
1. Promote uniformity among agriculture markets.
2. Eliminate the role of the middle man in agriculture markets.
3. Offer competitive prices to farmers for their produce.
1. Farmers should not be cash-starved.
2. Farmers are not at the mercy of money lenders for agricultural expenses.
1. Agriculture becomes a productive business.
2. Farmers can take up various kinds of agricultural activities.
1. Financial Assistance of Rs. 10,000/- per acre per annum. (Farmer having 1 acre or more land).
2. Financial Assistance of Rs. 4,000/- per annum. (Farmer having less than 1 acre of land).
Financial Assistance of Rs. 2,00,000/- in case of Farmer's Death.
1. Farmers can take up various kinds of agricultural activities.
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