

All Subsidies


Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY)

Har Khet ko Pani


1. commitment toward conservation and management of water.
2. Improve the water-use efficiency.

1. More crop per drop
2. Solution on source creation and management of water.
3. Solution about field application and activities.

Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY)


1. To promote organic farming
2. Use of traditional resources.


1. Farmers are encouraged to form clusters or groups.
2. The aim is to form 10,000 clusters over the coming years.
3. To bring five lakh acres of agricultural land under organic farming.
4. Certification costs are to be borne by the government.
5. Each cluster or group has 50 farmers willing to take up organic farming.
6. Each farmer who enrolls in the scheme is to be provided Rs 20000 per acre.

Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)

It is a crop insurance scheme where multiple stakeholders are integrated on a single platform


1. To provide the farmers a stable source of income.
2. Farmers need not worry about income during natural calamities.


1. Farmers to be given financial support by way of insurance.
2. Farmers continue to do farming even when faced with crop loss.
3. Make the farmers self-reliant
4. Credit flow is ensured in case of crop loss due to pests and natural calamities.

Gramin Bhandaran Yojana

Under this, scheme the government aims to provide storage facilities to the farmer in rural areas.


1. Create modern storage facilities in rural areas.
2. Farmers are encouraged to maximize their output.


1. Creating enough storage facilities.
2. Farmers can store farm produce, processed farm produce, and agricultural inputs.
3. Improve the marketability of farm produce.
4. Prevent the sale of produce immediately after harvest due to distress.

Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maan-Dhan Yojana (PM-KMY)

This scheme is especially for farmers between the age of 18-40 years. To avail of the benefit of this scheme, the farmer has to register under the pension fund.


1. The Welfare of small and marginal farmers
2. Provide monthly income to farmers above 60 years of age

Mission :

1. To provide a minimum monthly income of Rupees 3000 for farmers after the age of 60.
2. The Scheme is administered through the farmers’ cooperation and welfare department of agriculture.

PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana

The main objective of the scheme is to transfer an amount of Rupees 6000 to the account of farmers annually. This scheme is very helpful to all those small and marginal farmers who need to buy various farm implements and meet other agricultural expenses.


1. The scheme is intended to make the small and marginal farmers strong.
2. The small and marginal farmer is in a position to sustain his activities.
3. To make the farmer attentive and active.


1. Income support to all land-holding farmers.
2. Ensure the sustainable growth of small and marginal farmers.
3. Small farmers can buy various farm implements.

Micro Irrigation Fund scheme

The scheme is aimed to remove the hurdles of irrigation. Most farmers are depended on rain for their crops. Through this scheme, the government aims to provide irrigation facilities to the farmers.


1. Farmers can take up new and upcoming irrigation projects.
2. To make the farmer self-reliant for his irrigation needs.
3. Farmers are no longer dependent on rain only.


1. Expand the coverage of irrigation facilities.
2. Micro-irrigation projects are undertaken by the farmers.
3. Micro-irrigation systems are installed throughout the country.


E-NAM is an electronic National Agriculture Marketing portal that pans India and connects the existing mandis. The purpose is to create a pan India market for agricultural produce.


1. Promote uniformity among agriculture markets.
2. Eliminate the role of the middle man in agriculture markets.
3. Offer competitive prices to farmers for their produce.


1. Integrate all APMCs across the country.
2. Provide an online marketing platform for agriculture.
3. Facilities are available pan India.

Kisan Credit Card (KCC)

This scheme was launched in 1998 to provide credit facilities to farmers. The scheme intends to provide enough credit to farmers for their agriculture expenses.


1. Farmers should not be cash-starved.
2. Farmers are not at the mercy of money lenders for agricultural expenses.


1. Farmers have the minimum working capital required to meet their day-to-day expenses.
2. Farmers become self-dependent.
3. The Scheme also helps people in dairy farming and fisheries.

National Mission For Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA)

The scheme intends to make the farmer sustainable and agriculture a productive and lucrative business.


1. Agriculture becomes a productive business.
2. Farmers can take up various kinds of agricultural activities.


1. Farmers can use new and modern techniques in farming.
2. Farmers can increase their yield.
3. Farmers are encouraged to grow different varieties of crops.

Krishak Bandhu

The main objective behind starting this scheme is to provide social security to farmers and and to provide income protection in case of untimely death of farmer.


1. Financial Assistance of Rs. 10,000/- per acre per annum. (Farmer having 1 acre or more land).
2. Financial Assistance of Rs. 4,000/- per annum. (Farmer having less than 1 acre of land).
Financial Assistance of Rs. 2,00,000/- in case of Farmer's Death.


1. Krishak Bandhu (Assured Income) Scheme.
2. Krishak Bandhu (Death Benefit) Scheme.

Tractor Subsidy

The scheme intends to make the farmer sustainable and agriculture a productive and lucrative business.


1. Farmers can take up various kinds of agricultural activities.


1. The West Bengal Government is offering, Tractor loans at 25 % of the cost of tractors limited to Rs.45, 000/- tractors up to 40 HP
2. limited to Rs.10000/- for essential tractor driven implements viz. MB/Disc Plough, harrow, cultivator, seed cum fertilizer drill.
3. For Power operated protection equipment, the subsidy offered is 25% of the cost limited to Rs. 2000/-.
4. For tractor mounted protection equipment, the subsidy offered is @ 25% of the cost limited to Rs. 4000/-.